Discovering Compute Devices in Tensorflow
from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib
devices = device_lib.list_local_devices()
Each item is a DeviceAttribute
, where we can use to find out the device types and names. Somehow this isn't well documented in the Tensorflow's documentation. Of which, we should find the attributes name
, device_type
and memory_limit
most useful.
A string that can be used to specify the compute device in Tensorflow, eg, tf.device(devices[0].name)
, to explicitly state device placement.
A string, it can take the following values to specify the type of device it is.
for the CPUs
for GPUs that are visible to Tensorflow
for Google's own TPUs, probably will never see this (or maybe we will? Google AIY Edge TPUs)
Also, more recently XLA (Accelerated Linear Algebra) Devices XLA_CPU
Total memory in bytes. Perhaps this can be used to compute the batch size to use?
Other Attributes
There's also the incarnation
and locality
attribute. locality
isn't meaningful here as we are refering to local devices. Thus it's always an empty dict
I have no idea what incarnation
Practical usage example for using multiple GPUs with Estimators
local_gpus = [ for d in devices if d.device_type == 'GPU']
strat = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy(local_gpus)
runconfig = tf.estimator.RunConfig(train_distribute=strat,
est = tf.estimator.Estimator(..., config=runconfig)
Obtaining device lists with tf.Session()
Another way of obtaining compute devices is with:
import tensorflow as tf
with tf.Session() as sess:
devices = sess.list_devices()
This however is slightly different and the objects returned are of session._DeviceAttributes
. It's name
string now also includes where the device, and this can also reference remote devices if an address is passed into tf.Session
, say a TPU worker maybe.