4 Lines to Using TPUs on Google's Colab
Just add 4 lines to your Keras code and you can now train on TPUs in Colab for free. Why not give it a go?…
Just add 4 lines to your Keras code and you can now train on TPUs in Colab for free. Why not give it a go?…
Have more than 1 GPU on your setup? Data parallelism on multiple identical GPUs is easy when training with Tensorflow Estimators, and just marginally less convenient with Keras' `model.fit`.…
Add simple device discovery to your code so that it can run on multiple devices perhaps with differing configs without needing to configure them explicitly.…
TensorFlow's new Dataset API (available from 1.8) makes creating input pipelines much easier. Using it should be painless if you have something is an iterable, one of the common formats (files in a folder, csv, numpy array) or TFRecord, life is gonna be much easier, and from_generator is…